There are requirement to have access to what is in the book. The book is not open for everybody, the book is only open for those that meets the requirement . Many of us don’t know the things we desire.
There are several requirements which include :
- Salvation: John 3: 3 {Joh 3:3 Jesus replied, "I tell you for certain that you must be born from above before you can see God's kingdom!" } until a man is born again he has no access to deep things .
- 2timothy 2: 19,21{ 2Ti 2:19 But the foundation that God has laid is solid. On it is written, "The Lord knows who his people are. So everyone who worships the Lord must turn away from evil."
2Ti 2:21 That's also how it is with people. The ones who stop doing evil and make themselves pure will become special. Their lives will be holy and pleasing to their Master, and they will be able to do all kinds of good deeds. } It is not enough to be born again, you need to fear God , do what pleases him . God does not show secrete to those who don’t fear him. Your access to spiritual illumination is purity.
- Psalm 25 : 9 { Psa 25:9 You lead humble people to do what is right and to stay on your path. } meekness means submissiveness. James 1:21 { Jam 1:21 You must stop doing anything immoral or evil. Instead be humble and accept the message that is planted in you to save you. } If you’re not teachable, you are not a candidate to spiritual illumination. Moses knew the way of God because of his meekness. Be submissive, be teachable and God will receive the secrete things to you.
- It is what you desire that God gives unto you. Spiritual hunger is a requirement of illumination. God desire to give inspiration to those who have a hunger for it.
- Study: Revelation comes to those who study the word of God. Study means reading and researching the word. It is those that search scripture that find light. Illumination is not for people who are empty of the word of God.
Psalm 119 : 99 { Psa 119:99 Thinking about your teachings gives me better understanding than my teachers, } you need meditation . Meditation is deep thinking. Illumination comes to deep thinkers.
6. Time: you require time . Daniel 2 :16-19 { Dan 2:16 Daniel rushed off and said to the king, "If you will just give me some time, I'll explain your dream."
Dan 2:17 Daniel returned home and told his three friends.
Dan 2:18 Then he said, "Pray that the God who rules from heaven will be merciful and explain this mystery, so that we and the others won't be put to death."
Dan 2:19 in a vision one night, Daniel was shown the dream and its meaning. Then he praised the God who rules from heaven :}It takes time to study. Those who don’t have time for the things of God won’t experience spiritual illumination.
by pastor wole samuel
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