Friday, May 8, 2009


2 Corinthian 10 : 3 -4 { We live in this world, but we don't act like its people

2Co 10:4 or fight our battles with the weapons of this world. Instead, we use God's power that can destroy fortresses. We destroy arguments}

Praise is a weapon that we can engage during war . through this weapon we can overcome the war of life. 2 chronicle 1- 27 { 2Ch 20:1 Some time later, the armies of Moab and Ammon, together with the Meunites, went to war against Jehoshaphat.

2Ch 20:2 Messengers told Jehoshaphat, "A large army from Edom east of the Dead Sea has invaded our country. They have already reached En-Gedi."

2Ch 20:3 Jehoshaphat was afraid, so he asked the LORD what to do. He then told the people of Judah to go without eating to show their sorrow.

2Ch 20:4 They immediately left for Jerusalem to ask for the LORD's help.

2Ch 20:5 After everyone from Judah and Jerusalem had come together at the LORD's temple, Jehoshaphat stood in front of the new courtyard

2Ch 20:6 and prayed: You, LORD, are the God our ancestors worshiped, and from heaven you rule every nation in the world. You are so powerful that no one can defeat you.

2Ch 20:7 Our God, you forced out the nations who lived in this land before your people Israel came here, and you gave it to the descendants of your friend Abraham forever.

2Ch 20:8 Our ancestors lived in this land and built a temple to honor you.

2Ch 20:9 They believed that whenever this land is struck by war or disease or famine, your people can pray to you at the temple, and you will hear their prayer and save them.

2Ch 20:10 You can see that the armies of Ammon, Moab, and Edom are attacking us! Those are the nations you would not let our ancestors invade on their way from Egypt, so these nations were not destroyed.

2Ch 20:11 Now they are coming to take back the land you gave us.

2Ch 20:12 Aren't you going to punish them? We won't stand a chance when this army attacks. We don't know what to do--we are begging for your help.

2Ch 20:13 While every man, woman, and child of Judah was standing there at the temple,

2Ch 20:14 the LORD's Spirit suddenly spoke to Jahaziel, a Levite from the Asaph clan.

2Ch 20:15 Then Jahaziel said: Your Majesty and everyone from Judah and Jerusalem, the LORD says that you don't need to be afraid or let this powerful army discourage you. God will fight on your side!

2Ch 20:16 So here's what you must do. Tomorrow the enemy armies will march through the desert around the town of Jeruel. March down and meet them at the town of Ziz as they come up the valley.

2Ch 20:17 You won't even have to fight. Just take your positions and watch the LORD rescue you from your enemy. Don't be afraid. Just do as you're told. And as you march out tomorrow, the LORD will be there with you.

2Ch 20:18 Jehoshaphat bowed low to the ground and everyone worshiped the LORD.

2Ch 20:19 Then some Levites from the Kohath and Korah clans stood up and shouted praises to the LORD God of Israel.

2Ch 20:20 Early the next morning, as everyone got ready to leave for the desert near Tekoa, Jehoshaphat stood up and said, "Listen my friends, if we trust the LORD God and believe what these prophets have told us, the LORD will help us, and we will be successful."

2Ch 20:21 Then he explained his plan and appointed men to march in front of the army and praise the LORD for his holy power by singing: "Praise the LORD! His love never ends."

2Ch 20:22 As soon as they began singing, the LORD confused the enemy camp,

2Ch 20:23 so that the Ammonite and Moabite troops attacked and completely destroyed those from Edom. Then they turned against each other and fought until the entire camp was wiped out!

2Ch 20:24 When Judah's army reached the tower that overlooked the desert, they saw that every soldier in the enemy's army was lying dead on the ground.

2Ch 20:25 So Jehoshaphat and his troops went into the camp to carry away everything of value. They found a large herd of livestock, a lot of equipment, clothes, and other valuable things. It took them three days to carry it all away, and there was still some left over.

2Ch 20:26 Then on the fourth day, everyone came together in Beracah Valley and sang praises to the LORD. That's why that place was called Praise Valley.

2Ch 20:27 Jehoshaphat led the crowd back to Jerusalem. And as they marched, they played harps and blew trumpets. They were very happy because the LORD had given them victory over their enemies, so when they reached the city, they went straight to the temple.}

Fasting and prayer is not all you need to win the battles of life , it is always good to engage in weapon of praise .

Praise is a weapon that we use to fight the battles of life.

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